February 10, 2015
PRESENT: Samuel Allen, Mayor
Mitch Reed, Mayor Pro Tem
Justin Barton, Councilman
Brant Talley, Councilman
Jean Makonis, Councilwoman
ALSO: Kelly Shaw, City Clerk
Attorney Peter Olson – Not Present
Kelly Thurman, Ordinance Officer
Mayor Allen called the meeting of the Resaca City Council to order.
Mayor Allen asked Councilman Talley to lead the group in prayer.
Mayor Allen led the council meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag.
Mayor Pro Tem Reed made the motion to waive the reading of the minutes for the January 13, 2015. Councilwoman Makonis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Talley made the motion to adopt the minutes as read. Councilman Barton seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Approve Qualifying Fees for upcoming Election –
No new business
Renovations on the Ingle House
Mayor Pro Tem Reed gave update on the Ingle House. Chris Taylor has started work on the foundation. Councilwoman Makonis added that the trees in the front need to be removed. She has an estimate from Outdoor Works to cut the two trees in the front, grind the stumps and remove debris for $2122.00. Everyone agreed that it needs to be done. It was not decided to pay for this out of the splost account or the general fund. It was agreed for Councilwoman Makonis to have them go ahead and cut the trees.
Update on Agreement with Gordon County and Animal Control
Mayor Pro Tem Reed advised that he spoke with Attorney Peter Olson. He is coordinating with John King on an inter-government agreement to pick up animals in the town. He should have it ready to look at by the next work session.
Update on Dalton Utilities Franchise –
Attorney Peter Olson is working on this. He is sending a letter of notice and will have an update by the next work session.
Sewer Update –
Everything has been sent into Tom Graves Office and they have received the letter that the Mayor sent. Everything has been sent in to USDA, Dan McBee has provided them with a site map.
Sheriff’s Report
No Deputy present, Councilman Barton read the report – copy attached to minutes.
Nothing to report.
Mayor Pro Tem Reed reported that he had visited Tolbert School and they have some projects going on for the children, he would like for the town to have the principal, Skeet Angland, speak at the next meeting and possibly help them out as a sponsor.
Officer Kelly Thurman gave update on unfit properties.
It was discussed as to what could be done in the location of the vacant lot on Hwy 41 where the Taylor House was located. Mayor Pro Tem Reed suggested putting a Welcome to Resaca sign in that location and have a light on it and the flag pole.
Councilman Talley gave the recreation report. Report is attached.
Nothing to report. Councilman Barton wants to get the dirt pile and the brush pile cleaned up as soon as possible. The Clerk will give maintenance a work order to coordinate with Chris Taylor and removed both piles tomorrow.
Mayor Allen said that he had talked with Randy about the pressure washer and he is going to wait a little closer to spring before purchasing one. He also said that he looked at the carpet tiles to put in the gym and he was concerned about it messing up the floor and not lasting very long. He was thinking a rubber mat would be better for the gym. Councilman Talley added that rubber mats would work better and last longer. He also suggested that the Town purchase a commercial treadmill. He can purchase a $2,000 treadmill for $499.00 from Play It Again. We can use the gift card from Academy for the rubber mats in the gym and various other weight equipment. Everyone was in agreement to purchase the treadmill from Play It Again for $499.00 and use the gift card for rubber mat and equipment.
The Mayor said that he spoke with the attorney and he suggested any time that a meeting was held that all council members should be notified. He also said that an update should be given at the next meeting.
It was decided that the trash payments be accepted until Thursday before having any cans picked up.
Mr. Kidd voiced his concerns about the junk cars. He wanted to know if the town was going to do anything about them. Councilman Talley advised him if he saw a junk car that he should call Town Hall and report it to the Clerk and she will forward it on the Ordinance Officer to check into it. He ask about the trash cans being old and damaged. The Clerk reported that Mauldins had ordered new cans and they were delivered damaged and had to be re-ordered. They will replace all the cans as soon as possible.
Mayor Pro Tem Reed made the motion to adjourn the council meeting. Councilwoman Makonis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.