Hours of Operation

City Hall: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm
Main Phone:  706-624-1336

Gym and Library: Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm Friday 8am – 4pm
Saturdays 8am – 12 noon
Computers are available in the library.
Rec Dept Phone:  706-659-7355

Town Council Meetings:
The 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm

Resaca Municipal Court:
The last Monday of each month at 3pm

Upcoming Events

Civil War display is open to public for viewing during normal business hours.

Town News & Upcoming Events

Resaca’s New Elected Officials

Resaca's New Elected Official's     On  January 5, 2016, new council members, Todd Rutledge and Nathan Wyatt, were sworn into office for the Town of Resaca. The mayor of Resaca, Samuel Allen, was also re-elected and sworn into office. Each elected Councilman...

The Town of Resaca  |  330 Walker Street Resaca, GA 30735  |  706-624-1336